Kevin Modany of BlueRock Partners Explores Role in Creative Process; How He Creates as an Entrepreneur


As the Managing Director at BlueRock Partners, Kevin Modany spends a large portion of his day working with every level of his staff, all the way to the clients who rely upon him. Modany joined Bluerock Partners in 2016 and has served as the company’s Director since, providing his team with executive management, strategic planning, and leadership skills.

A noted entrepreneur with years of industry experience and educational background from Robert Morris University, Modany sat down to discuss the tips and insights that have helped him build a resume worth being proud of.

Let’s dive into Kevin Modany’s workday to understand better his process and how he approached finding solutions.

A Day in the Life With Kevin Modany

It is easy for Kevin Modany to get up and get started as he focuses his early hours on correspondence. Modany says, “This helps me prepare for the day.”

Modany believes in remaining communicative throughout the workday, giving time to his clients and associates as required. Modany adds, “I usually have a series of meetings throughout the day, and I try to end the meetings around 4:00 so I can do a wrap-up.”

Organization planning is a big part of Modany’s day-to-day, and it is reflected in his work. Modany is a prominent adherent of lists and tries to keep his day as outlined as possible. Modany says, “I keep my day productive by keeping a steady list of things I am working on and updating.”

Bringing Ideas to Life

While a big part of his organizational focus is on keeping his business structured, Modany sets aside time for himself where he can work to bring new ideas to life.

Kevin Modany says, “If I come up with an idea, I’ll typically verbalize it or write it into an email and summarize it and share it with people.”

Modany focuses on giving his partners the why of an idea pulling up data to support his decisions. Listmaking and keeping detailed records are part and parcel of why Kevin Modany has found so much success throughout his career.

Kevin Modany says, “This helps me be more productive because it allows me to see all the moving parts visually.”

Looking to the Future

With so much going on in the entrepreneurial field, it can be challenging for people like Kevin Modany to verbalize where they want to work. For Modany, the excitement that comes from artificial intelligence and machine learning tools is something that he is deeply intrigued by.

Modany says, “The possibilities of artificial intelligence and using machining learning to be more efficient and do good things is an area that excites me.”

When he’s not brainstorming concepts or working toward his next business venture, Kevin Modany likes to set time aside to run. Modany says, “Running, resistance training, and stretching are typically in my workout repertoire.”

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